5 Easy Ways To Stay Safe Inside Your Garage

Around 20,000 to 30,000 people are injured by garage doors every year, which means it’s one of the most dangerous parts of your household. The garage is a pretty scary place in general if you don’t look after yourself properly.
I bet you have a few sharp tools and flammable liquids that could hurt you. Let’s look at some easy ways to turn it into a safer place for the family. It will be very hard to hurt yourself if you follow these great tips.
- Avoid Spilling Any Liquids
Do anything possible to avoid spilling liquids on the floor. Use dip tanks for cleaning of parts if you enjoy working on your car. Ensure your gasoline and oils are kept in leak-proof containers with tight lids.
It’s important to check under your car regularly because it’s easy to miss spills, which become a danger to people when you’re out driving. Slipping in a puddle of oil isn’t fun because you’ll land on a concrete floor.
- Keeping Your Waste Separate
If you have Justrite safety bench cans, you’ll be able to keep oily rags and clothes covered in gasoline away from everything else. Make sure you use dust collector bags if you operate power tools in your garage.
Keep dangerous waste away from trash like food wrappers and empty cans. It’s a good way to avoid fires and breathing problems. Remove your waste from the garage and dispose of it correctly as soon as possible.
- Make Sure It’s Bright Enough
Garages aren’t supposed to be dark and dingy places you try to avoid. You can brighten up your garage by installing more lights on the ceiling. Is it possible to install a window that will let sunlight burst through?
It’s pretty important if you spend time working in the garage, especially with dangerous tools. If you’re only going to install more lights on the ceiling, you won’t need to hire an electrician if you enjoy DIY projects.
- Lock Up Hazardous Materials
It’s worth locking up hazardous materials if you have small kids at home. If they decide to explore the garage one day, you don’t want them to find liquids like fertilizers and pesticides in case they touch/drink them.
You can keep your cleaning products, oil, gas, paint, and solvents in the lockable cabinet too. You’ll need to make sure it’s ventilated. You will end up fainting on the floor if you don’t let the toxic fumes escape.
- Fix Any Garage Door Problems
It’s crucial to carry out maintenance on your garage door regularly. The main reason why it’s so dangerous is that it’s big and heavy. You don’t want it to fall while you’re standing underneath it.
Check the cables and springs in case they are worn down. Test the safety feature on the door a couple of times per month. You shouldn’t be afraid to call a repairman if it looks like it’s on its last legs.
It’s A Weight Off Your Mind
You won’t need to worry about going into the garage once it’s an accident-free zone. The tips we’ve talked about today will go a long way towards achieving that goal.
Alexia is the author at Research Snipers covering all technology news including Google, Apple, Android, Xiaomi, Huawei, Samsung News, and More.