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Important Tasks That You Can Outsource As A Small Business Owner

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Small businesses can be extremely challenging to run effectively, but they can also offer people a lot of benefits compared to larger businesses. Fewer overheads are one of the primary benefits of keeping operations on a smaller scale, yet hiring fewer staff members also brings greater challenges. This means that you’ll have fewer people to take on certain tasks, and you’ll also likely have to sacrifice certain in-house roles in favor of others, which could leave you high and dry in certain areas.

This is where outsourcing comes in handy, however. Outsourcing may be costly, but it can often cost much less than hiring even a single member of staff to handle certain tasks. We’ve listed a few great suggestions to help you understand some of the things you can outsource as a small business owner.


Keeping tabs on your budgets and your spending is not the simplest of tasks, especially if you’re not the best when it comes to accounting work. Managing these things alone as a business owner can also be incredibly time-consuming, which is why many will actually hire a specific individual to handle this for them. An in-house accountant can be very costly, however, so it may be worthwhile outsourcing this task to an accounting agency.

There are certain agencies that will not only manage your company’s spending, holding regular meetings with you to ensure that you are on track and happy with the plans they’ve put forward but also offer you advice in other money-related areas too, such as investing. This could potentially help you to grow your wealth in other areas, leading to better growth and success for your company.

Web And App Design

Designing an official app for a business is a common undertaking these days, but this task can be very time-consuming, too. Developing an app can take months or even years, depending on the complexity of the software as well as the skill level of those working on the project.

Similarly, designing a website that provides customers with a great experience and increases their chances of using your site in the future is invaluable to your business but requires a level of dedication and focus from designers and web developers. Instead of hiring these teams in-house and potentially covering hundreds of thousands of pounds on salaries, you could instead pay for the services of app development and web design teams to get these jobs done for you.

IT Support

While it can be incredibly beneficial to have your own in-house IT support, these teams can also be fairly costly. If you decide to forgo having your own IT support team, there are some fantastic IT support agencies that you can outsource this task to, such as Totality Services, based in London. Good quality IT support for your business is incredibly important today, as many problems can arise from poorly maintained devices, software, and networks.

An IT support team that has been outsourced will be able to visit your business to conduct maintenance on these things and assist your team remotely where possible. They will also provide you with round-the-clock support so that you can get things fixed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Digital Marketing

One of the most important things for businesses today is standing out from the crowd, and this becomes increasingly difficult the smaller your company is. As well as having a smaller size, if you’re in an industry that is home to a lot of competition, you’re going to struggle to secure the lion’s share of customers and clients if your marketing isn’t any good.

This is why it’s extremely beneficial to have a skilled digital marketing agency at hand that can run effective marketing campaigns, improve your branding, and raises awareness of your company within your industry. Not only that, but you’ll also be competing with many companies and individuals that aren’t even in your industry at all. There is also the general competition for visibility that everyone has to deal with on social media, and a good marketing team will know what to post at which times to ensure the best possible visibility throughout each day.

Customer Services

Another area that can be outsourced, which would otherwise require a lot of hiring, is customer services. Generally, the larger and more popular your business gets, the more customers you’re going to have to contact you with queries, requests, and concerns. Good customer service is incredibly important to build trust between you and your customers, and failing to respond in a timely fashion to their requests is going to harm that trust.

This could even cause them to search elsewhere for similar services and products that you provide, and so if you can’t afford to hire your own customer services team, it may be a great idea to outsource this to a talented, renowned, and dedicated customer service agency instead. Of course, there may be certain things that only someone within your business can handle, and in this case, it may be worth having a few in-house customer service reps whom the agency can redirect any of their important calls.