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Home » Technology » A 5G-based home Internet service called “Xstream AirFiber 5G” is being developed by Airtel

A 5G-based home Internet service called “Xstream AirFiber 5G” is being developed by Airtel

Are you bored of cable internet connections in your local space? Just don’t worry companies are on their way with new solutions for you. In early 2023, Jio introduced “JioAirFiber.” Reportedly, it is a home internet service that uses the 5G network of carriers instead of a cable connection. In response to this, the competitor Airtel is working out its own service i.e., “Airtel Xstream AirFiber 5G”.

Well, this piece of information is not official. However, the Android app for the new service was spotted on the Play Store. It gave us several useful insights about the future service by Airtel. Reportedly, the Xstream AirFiber 5G is connected to a Wi-Fi 6 (ax) router. Users are required to choose a location with strong signals in their homes. Followed by this, insert a SIM card into the device and turn it on. It appears that the app includes several AR features that will aid users in choosing the perfect spot.

The reports indicate that the router can work on both 4G and 5G. however, 5G is more suitable since it offers a better user experience as well as high bandwidth and low latency. Moreover, the device has several ethernet port connections. Users can connect desktops, smart TVs, consoles, etc. to the device.

In addition to this, the app showcased the details of the price chart. A 100Mbps subscription for six months will cost ₹2,994 (or ₹499 per month). The 5G router alone should cost around ₹6,000. Well, the company could announce deals and offers for the new service by the time it is ready for official release. Do note that the app is no longer available on Play Store.

For instance, you can get wired 40Mbps Airtel Xstream Fiber service for ₹499 per month, which also comes with a complimentary Wi-Fi router. There are also offers for Internet and TV. In any case, the AirFiber version will come with a simpler installation and faster speeds for the same cost.