A bug in Apple’s FaceTime let others see and hear you before the call starts

After a major security flaw unearthed, Apple took a serious step and temporarily disabled its Group FaceTime feature on iOS and macOS devices.
A major bug came on the surface on early Tuesday in the video calling feature, FaceTime, on Apple devices which allowed the people to hear and even see those who are trying to reach on iPhones using the FaceTime, a video calling software.
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The bug was reported by several media outlets but initially reported by Apple product and review website 9to5Mac.com.
Some Twitter users have shared the videos on social networking site showing that how easily they can hear or see the user who is trying to reach them using FaceTime on Apple devices. On the other hand, many Twitter users had advised the company Apple to disable the FaceTime application until bug is being fixed.
The co-founder and Chief Executive of Twitter, Jack Dorsey advised Apple through a tweet; “Disable FaceTime for now until Apple fixes.”
Apple said in a statement that the company was aware of this security flaw and has already identified a fix which will be released in a software update later this week.
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