
A huge Chrome bug also affects Edge, Microsoft recommends updating urgently

Microsoft has confirmed Edge users’ fears: The zero-day bug that hit Google Chrome earlier this week also affects the browser. If you’re one of the latter, don’t panic, a corrective patch is already available in the latest update. We explain how to install it.

At the beginning of the week, we told you about this massive zero-day bug that Google Chrome fell victim to. Titled CVE-2022-2294, this one is particularly critical because it would have already been abused by hackers. The Mountain View company has therefore deployed an emergency patch to close the breach, but Edge users’ side remains concerned. Indeed, the Microsoft browser is also based on the Chromium kernel, it is not uncommon for it to share its cousin’s flaws. In fact, the flaws found in one are often found in the other. This case is no exception to the rule. Microsoft has confirmed users’ fears by in turn implementing a patch for this zero-day flaw.

How to install the Microsoft Edge update

If you are concerned, we recommend that you update your browser as soon as possible. Fortunately, there is nothing clever about the manipulation. Here is the step-by-step procedure:

  • Open your browser side
  • Click on the menu of Settings top right, represented by the three dots
  • In the section Help and Commentsclick on About Microsoft Edge
  • The browser will then automatically search for and install the latest updates
  • Once done, close and open new ones your browser to complete the installation

You don’t have to do anything to protect yourself from this dangerous loophole. The patch is applied automatically and prevents hackers from using it to steal your personal information. In general, it is safer to check back often for the latest Edge updates to ensure you take advantage of the latest patches deployed by Microsoft.