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A Lenovo official predicts that in three years, Motorola will come in third in the smartphone industry

Motorola was one of the top smartphone manufacturers. However, in 2014, the company was sold to Lenovo by Google. Since then, Motorola has been lagging behind. Well, this will perhaps change in the future. According to some recent pieces of information, Lenovo intends to include Motorola among the top three smartphone companies across the globe within the next three years.

Lenovo’s head of international marketing, Matthew Zielinski, makes this audacious claim and is willing to risk his paycheck to achieve it. Zielinski stated, “I would bet a paycheck that in three years we will be number three all over the world,” in an interview with CNBC. Currently, Apple and Samsung are the market leaders. Both companies hold 40% of the market share. On the other hand, Lenovo and Motorola managed to grab only 4% of the market share in the last quarter.

The company plans to focus on the high-end segment of the market, taking a similar approach to Apple and Samsung. Their premium Razr phone is a significant component of this strategy. According to Zielinski, Motorola is making an entry into the premium segment with the Razr smartphone. Besides this, the company plans to expand its manufacturing facility in Pondicherry, India. Such an approach will further improve the company’s growth.

In addition to this, the strategic importance of India was also highlighted by Zielinski. According to him, India is a country that can be focused on sales as well as manufacturing. Moreover, India is a market that has rapidly adopted the new 5G technology and the wide array of company products ranging from smartphones to cloud services.

He mentioned the company’s intentions to increase employment in India as well as the continuing talks with the Indian government. Zielinski emphasized the company’s dedication to the Indian market by saying, “We’re going to make as many bets as we can since we think the development of the Indian population is amazing, and they’re great people.”