A Man Gives $2000 Tip to Chicago Restaurant staff

It is a culture in America, the restaurant staff gets the tip which is predefined, and some restaurants ask you to give tip which could be up to 20 percent of the bill. But what about 263.50 percent? It pretty cool isn’t it.
The benefactor at the restaurant has stunned the staff when he distributes tip to all staffers after having a meal on Sunday night. The person was only identified as “Mike” who was visiting from Seattle, Boka Restaurant announced on Monday that a delighted customer left a $2000 tip on a $759 bill.
Boka restaurant in Chicago is an expensive restaurant which serves American seasonal food also carries One Michelin star describes and ranks restaurants based on their food and service. Mike initially tipped $300 on his bill, but he could hold his sentiments for the staff working in the kitchen who delighted him on their table with the quality food. He went to the kitchen and met the staff their where he tipped all 17 staffers with $100 each.
The restaurant later posted the photograph taken with Mike in the kitchen on their Instagram, “It was amazing to have that happen unexpectedly and randomly, and for someone to show that amount of appreciation,” Jon Leopold, the restaurant’s general manager, told the Chicago Tribune newspaper.
It is not just about money, it’s the way of appreciation, the amount of money shows the level of appreciation they should deserve, spending time with kitchen Mike told kitchen staff how important it is for a wonderful meal the work they are doing.
The restaurant has been nominated for a prestigious James Beard Award Service, the winner of the award would be revealed on May 7 during a ceremony in Chicago.
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