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A man killed his wife for excessive addiction of Facebook and WhatsApp

An Indian husband killed his wife on last Thursday over her extreme use of Facebook and WhatsApp, Times of India reported.

The Indian police have arrested Hariom on Friday. He told police that he was sick and tired of his wife because she spends hours using Facebook and chatting with the people on WhatsApp. Hariom, 35-year-old, said that he was distressed since her wife kept ignoring him, their children and other important duties of home as a mother and wife.

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The father of Luxmi, Balwant Singh reached their house on Friday morning and found her daughter dead and her body lying on a bed and her husband, Hariom, was sitting near the dead body.

Mr. Singh called the police and told the whole situation. Police arrested Hariom and produced him in a city court that sent him to police custody for two-day remand on Friday.

“We got married in 2016 and had two children. Everything was going fine for the first few years and after that, I got her a Smartphone. In the past two years, the usage of phone changed her, and she started ignoring me and the children. It seemed that I and our children had ceased to exist for her. She wouldn’t cook the meal and do any household work on time; she wouldn’t take the kids to school or help them do homework. She spent all of her days and nights to use Facebook and WhatsApp,” he said to the police.