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Amazon Banned Brands Returning To The Platform With Different Names

A number of the China brands banned by Amazon, which got good ratings on Amazon using fake reviews and unfair methods, are gradually returning. Not with the blessing of Amazon, but with tricks.

This is reported by The Verge. The magazine had initiated worldwide reporting on the fraudulent reviews and thus also the expulsion of many brands through their research and is now staying on the ball, which is going on at the online retailer. The editors discovered that some of the brands that were thrown out are now back on the sales platform. One such example is RavPower. Some of its smartphone accessories are available again, although the manufacturer’s name is missing from the offers (N / A) or the manufacturer is specified as “Rav”.

Old Game With The New Name

Other examples of the renamed are Vava to “Vav” and TaoTronics to “Taotronic”. The Verge then ordered some of the products they discovered to confirm whether they were the known devices. That was the case. The Verge then contacted Amazon accordingly. The company issued a statement on those returning to the store:

“We have banned these brands, their product detail pages, and the sales accounts that were used for their policy violations. Unfortunately, these bad guys are motivated and use various tactics to avoid detection, when they try to harm honest customers, distributors, and Amazon.

We have put in place a number of proactive controls that prevent most of these attempts. If you discover a malicious actor trying to break into our shop again and we have overlooked it, we will investigate it quickly and take the appropriate action, also to further improve our proactive controls. Customers can contact customer service around the clock by phone, email, and chat if they have concerns about a product or their shopping experience. “

So the problem is far from under control, it’s a Sisyphean job for Amazon. Amazon is currently being sued by some of the companies who were banned from the platform after the fake reviews became known this year. It’s about earnings and outstanding payments.