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Amazon Launched Instant Pickup Points in the US—Brick and Mortar Stores

Amazon has started with a new idea of reducing delivery times which customers would love, the retail giant is rolling out the instant pickup locations in the United States where customers can order their products and pick them up instantly without waiting for it to be delivered to their home. The company has announced this development of Brick-and-mortar stores on Tuesday while talking to Reuters.

The retailer has opened its pickup points initially around five college campuses including University of California at Berkeley, the company has plans to expand its pickup locations by the end of the year, the one would be in Chicago Lincoln Park area.

Customers can select items that are being sold in the stores from hundreds of fast consumer goods ranging from snacks, drinks to phone chargers. Amazon employees fill the order by loading the lockers within two minutes of ordering, customers are then provided with a bar code to access the lockers and pick up their product.

The new idea underlines Amazon’s strategy to go into brick-and-mortar retail stores, the company announced in June to buy a whole foods company for $13.7 billion, the company has realized that there are several products that are hard to deliver online and they are not worth delivering in some cases, the new pickup program fuels instant buys and pickups.

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It looks Amazon is now in direct competition with vending machines spread all over the school college campuses, offices and around the shopping malls, According to MacDonald Amazon first considered automating their pickup points but declined to say why they didn’t continue with that idea.

Instant pickup prices could be cheaper than normal prices on Amazon.com said MacDonald but declined to comment on pricing.

Other locations included in this program are Los Angeles, Atlanta, Columbus, College Park, Maryland and Ohio.