Google has given the go-ahead for Android 11. The update is ready and will be distributed to the first smartphones from now on – including devices from OnePlus, Xiaomi, and OPPO. As before, some features are reserved exclusively for Google Pixel smartphones.
With this, Google is starting the new feature update not only on its own Pixel devices, but it is also available for other smartphones. Nevertheless, many users will have to be patient for a long time before they can get Android 11 – if their smartphone is intended for the update at all. You can find more information about this from the manufacturer of your smartphone.
The final version brings a long list of new functions, including the new “bubbles”, which displays selected chats as a new multitasking option as a small, round “bubble” window over other apps. Also new is a screen recorder, improved and extended device control, and improved security features such as one-time access rights. This gives the user better control over what he allows for apps and when. There is also a new, combined quick access to messenger apps and their messages.
Google also thought of smart functions in Android 11. This is how new app recommendations, smart folders, and smart replies start – these functions are, however, pixel-exclusive and in some cases initially only available for the English-speaking area. There is a big change in terms of security: With additional update modules for Google Play, users with Android 11 receive even more security and data protection fixes from Google Play, just as easily as updates for apps are delivered.
In this way, users should receive all bug fixes and changes as soon as they are available – and do not have to wait for a full Android update and access it via the settings. Android 11 is now being rolled out for selected Pixel, OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO, and Realme smartphones. Other Google partners will bring new devices onto the market in the coming months and offer them with Android 11. More information is available on Google’s Android 11 overview page.
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