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Anthem Demo faces problems on EA services


The “VIP” demo period for EA’s Destiny-like online shooter Anthem began at twelve ET today and very quickly kept running into game stopping issues. In spite of being restricted to welcomed clients and the individuals who had pre-ordered, it confronted extreme capacity issues and connection issues that in the end affected the majority of EA’s online administrations this evening.

Login issues over EA’s services for Anthem have been for the most part settled, and as indicated by the organization, players on PC and PS4 ought to have the capacity to get to the demo now with no issue – on the off chance that you can’t have a go at restarting the game and signing in once more.
However, a spokesperson writes “Our team is still working on fixes for some of the issues we’re seeing on Xbox One,” where many players are getting stuck at the loading screen above.

For the individuals who got tp play Anthem, the issues didn’t begin there, with disconnections and accidents. Notwithstanding, numerous individuals are playing at the present time, and floods of the demo as of now make it the third-most viewed game on Twitch. An open demo should be accessible on February first – we’ll check whether the servers hold up better at that point.

Another EA support page covering the Day 1 issue said that connectivity on Xbox One ought to be enhanced, and exhorts despite everything anybody seeing issues to restart their device.

If you were trusting EA would give players something for their inconvenience, at that point congrats, there will be an extra new vinyl accessible at launch for the individuals who played this end of the week.
Otherwise, BioWare’s Head of Live Service Chad Robertson acknowledged that the launch of this demo “did not go exactly as we planned,” while offering some explanations and talking about fixes that could roll out now or may wait until next weekend’s open demo.

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Image via Windows Central