On Wednesday, Apple responded to Facebook’s complaint about iOS 14’s built-in privacy disclosure and security mechanisms. The company said the new activity tracking option provides users with unprecedented features: basic choices. Facebook published a series of full-page advertisements in mainstream American newspapers on Wednesday local time condemning Apple’s planned ad tracking protection, according to reports.
The social media company positions itself as the defender of small businesses-these small businesses seem to be the unfortunate victims of wars between giants, and due to regulatory requirements, they will lose advertising revenue.
“Small businesses deserve to be listened. We listen to your concerns and we are with you,” the Facebook ad reads.
Facebook and other companies that rely on targeted advertising revenue have fiercely protested the level of Apple’s new system features and developer requirements. It is understood that these features and requirements will prompt users to consciously choose advertising tracking. Currently, tracking is enabled by default in many cases, and users can manually opt out of such programs. In advertising, data is king. As we all know, Facebook uses its multi-pronged platform to squeeze users.
In response to the attack on advertising, Apple pointed out in a statement to AppleInsider that companies like Facebook are welcome to continue tracking users-as long as these users have the right to choose in this matter.
“We believe that this is a simple question, which is to speak for our users. Users should know when their data is collected and shared by other apps and websites – they should choose to allow or disallow it. iOS 14 app tracking transparency It didn’t ask Facebook to change its method of tracking users and creating targeted ads, it just asked them to give users a choice.”
It is reported that the feature was initially scheduled to be launched this year, but was postponed to 2021. At that time, when users open an app for the first time, a permission dialog box will pop up, and they will see two choices: “Allow tracking” and “Require apps not to track.” In this regard, Facebook said that this concession is not enough.
Apple disagrees with this statement, and today simulated a sample image to illustrate how Facebook might persuade an “opt-in” under the Identifier for the Advertiser (IDFA) system. Up to now, Facebook still refuses to adopt IDFA.
In addition to IDFA and advertising tracking protection measures, Apple this week also launched a privacy “nutrition label” that reveals the data collected by the application and how it is used.
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