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Apple iPhone 14 Plus Model Becomes Another Flop

iPhone 14 plus

According to the latest forecasts, the Apple iPhone 14 Plus should not be able to increase interest in the “normal” models either, which is why the manufacturer’s “non-pro” smartphones are well below expectations. Is the mini-flop repeating itself now?

Although the sales figures have been kept under wraps for years, the iPhone 14 Pro Max is likely to be the most popular model again this year, at least analysts are convinced of that. Already during the pre-order phase, it is said to have crystallized that the iPhone 14 has lost a lot of its attractiveness this year. Both the design and the hardware have hardly changed compared to the iPhone 13 family.

85 percent of iPhone Users choose the Pro model

As the industry magazine DigiTimes reports, suppliers are expecting a reduction in iPhone 14 (Plus) production if demand does not increase soon. It wasn’t until the end of September that Apple turned down the option to expand capacity by an additional six million units. According to the experts, the reason may be the currently weakening smartphone market and the exchange rate of the US dollar, which is causing iPhone prices to rise in many regions.

According to estimates, Apple will produce around 80 million devices by the end of the year, ten million fewer than previously assumed. This would mean that the capacities of the iPhone 14 (Pro) would be around the previous year’s level of the iPhone 13 (Pro). Due to the further shift from the classic iPhone to the Pro version, Apple should continue to expect record sales and a corresponding increase in sales. Analysts assume that 85 percent of customers choose the Pro model.

In the end, the popularity is also reflected in the delivery times. Apple customers have to wait at least until November for the iPhone 14 Pro (Max), the iPhone 14 (Plus) can be delivered within a few days.