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Apple is Shutting Down iTunes, Ending the Download Era

Apple has finally decided to kill iTunes, the program that started the music revolution globally. iTunes launched 18 years ago in 2001 at  Macworld Expo. It offered a solution to the tech industry struggling with privacy. Now after almost two decades, Apple will announce the shutdown of iTunes at a developer conference that begins on Monday.

It was rumored for years that Apple will kill iTunes sooner or later, and now it’s finally happening. Today, subscription-based streaming services including its very own Apple music has dominated the music downloads arena.

Also read: Netflix cancels iTunes as a payment method

Apple is planning to divide iTunes into three new apps. These apps will be Music, TV, and Podcasts. Already the media on iPads and iPhones has been decentralized. Now Macs and MacBooks will also be migrated.

Rolling Stone’s Amy X wrote,  “By portioning out its music, television and podcast offerings into three separate platforms, Apple will pointedly draw attention to itself as a multifaceted entertainment services provider, no longer as a hardware company that happens to sell entertainment through one of its many apps.”

Some of the key features of iTunes will be part of the Music App that includes song purchase and phone syncing. So this marks an end to an era and a beginning to a new one.

How many of you will miss Apple’s iconic iTunes?