Apple Pay in Germany would now be available

Apple Pay in Germany has been launched by Apple officially; the US giant has finally launched its mobile payments service after years of launch in the United States.

Apple has also launched its Apple Pay website for Germany recently, Apple has alsolisted the range of places where you can use Apple Pay and the range of banks,debit cards and financial institutions that are currently supporting Apple Pay.

The company has included some 15 banks and services at the time of launch, 9 other banks are pending to start supporting Apple Pay in 2019 including INK, Revolut andDKB.

iPhone and iOS users can now add their debit cards into Apple Pay app and make contactless payments at various retail shops, people do not have to carry cash of card with them to make payments. Apple uses Face ID and Touch ID as a security layer to protect payment system.

Apple’s official website in Germany also lists a wide range of retailers where people can use Apple Pay to make payments including Adidas, Burger King, LiDL, MisterSpex, Norma, Netto, Jet, Cyberport, Cigo, T mobile, Zara, Shell, Starbucks and many others, users can also use Apple Pay in-app of the above retailers to make direct payments.

It is still a mystery why Apple took so long to jump in Germany, however, Apple Insider suggests that local banking system in Germany and transaction fees hold it back for that long. According to techcrunch, cash is still the dominant form of payment in Germany could be another reasonfor Apple not pushing hard to enter the Dutch market. There are some otherconcerns such as privacyaccording to Bloomberg which propel Germans to use more cash rather thanplastic money or cashless payments. What future Apple will hold in Germany isalready in doubt, however, the changing technology landscape would make iteasier for Apple to dominate the market.