Apple Starts Release Candidate For iOS 17.1 Final Release Next Week

Apple has released another pre-release version of iOS 17.1 as part of the beta testing program. The beta test is nearing its end and the update is a release candidate. The final release should take place at the beginning of next week.

iOS 17.1 is ready to go

This had already become clear a few days ago, but now there is a beta update that also supports the assumptions about the imminent launch.

The release of the release candidate was basically just a formality. The update is eagerly awaited because it is supposed to fix some sensitive problems on the iPhone. These include the burn-in effects on the iPhone 15 that were shown just a few days ago.

With this update, Apple also wants to improve the radiation exposure for devices in France. France is forcing Apple to make improvements to the iPhone 12 family released in 2020.

By the way, it is currently unknown whether the optimization will only be rolled out in France – we will have to wait and see. In order to ensure this comprehensively, it is also a release candidate for iOS 16.7.2 and iPadOS 16.7.2. The update will be made available to all users who have not yet updated their devices to the new iOS 17.

What is new on iOS 17.1

Apple is also still working on functions that didn’t make it into the finished iOS 17. This includes the expansion of AirDrop to complete the transfer of files over the Internet, an improvement to the action button on the iPhone 15 Pro, and new display options for Dynamic Island.

There is currently little information about the exact contents of the updates. It is believed that the release will start next Tuesday, October 24, 2023.

This is how you take part in the beta program

The new update is now available as an update. Registered users simply obtain the new version over-the-air, i.e. as an online update. Anyone who has not yet registered for the beta program can do so at any time and enter the beta phase. Participation is free and requires a one-time registration for the program at from a supported device. The Apple ID is required for this.

Leaving the beta test is just as easy and can be done after logging in with your Apple ID.

Once you have signed up, you will automatically receive new beta versions like any other update. However, you should keep in mind that, as with any beta version, unforeseen problems could occur. Apple therefore warns with every new round of beta testing that it is better not to use your production iPhone, but rather a second device for the tests.