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Apple Stated iPhone 5 to Be A Vintage and Obsolete Phone

iPhone 5

Apple has updated its phone list of vintage and obsolete phones and has announced to place iPhone 5 in the list. The phone has been declared vintage in the United States and obsolete throughout all other nations.

The phone was released back in 2012 and was the most popular iPhone of its time. It was the first phone that featured a large display of a whopping 4-inches, this flagship was when Apple decided to change from the 3.5-inch screen featured for five generations of the mobile device.

After iPhone 5, Apple adopted the larger screens moving towards the phablet trend that could now be seen in the recent 6.5-inch iPhone XS Max.

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iPhone 5 unveiled a number of technologies which includes a retina display and a lightning port. It was also among the first Apple devices to support 4G LTE connectivity.

When Apple launched iOS 11 in 2017, it ended iOS support for iPhone 5 and other trendy devices that featured 32-bit processors.

When any product is launched, Apple provides it complete support with parts and maintenance for at least 5 years after the end of production. Later, the firm provides routinely transitions of these products to obsolete or vintage, as new hardware versions are launched.

Apple categorizes devices as vintage when they have been in production for more than five years but less than seven.

Vintage devices are not included in the list of gadgets that are provided repair and maintenance support in the regions where local laws bars such laws.

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