
Apple Surges iOS App Prices in Pakistan

Apple has surged the iOS app prices in Pakistan.

As per a latest blog post captioned as the “Upcoming Price and Tax Changes in Pakistan, Thailand and Singapore”, Apple has made the announcement that it would be revising the prices for App store purchases in Pakistan owing to the present changes in the foreign exchange rates.

So far, the Cupertino was offering the 1USD equal to 100PKR exchange rate on the App store purchases, but, in the blog post it said that when the taxes or the foreign exchange rates change, they sometimes need to upgrade the prices on the App store. In the span of the next few days, the prices of the apps on the App Store and in-app purchases excluding the subscriptions of the auto-renewable would change in the mentioned nations.

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The post further added that the prices would be surging owing to the changes in the foreign exchange rates in Pakistan.

These price changes would occur within the upcoming weeks. The prices would be updates on the App store. In the meantime, the Cupertino has offered the developers the freedom of choosing whether they want to alter and revise the rates. They also have an option of preserving the prices of the present subscribers. If the developers do not make a decision, Apple would then automatically be surging the prices soon.

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