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Bangladesh elections lead to a country-wide internet shutdown


The government in Bangladesh isn’t simply depending on Facebook and Twitter crackdowns to secure its December 30th parliamentary decision. The nation’s Telecommunication Regulatory Commission has closed down 3G and 4G mobile data to avert gossipy tidbits and purposeful publicity from skewing the vote. The measure took effect immediately and was poised to last throughout the election day.

Regardless of whether that is the principle reason isn’t clear – the government doesn’t actually have a spotless reputation. Bangladesh incidentally stopped mobile web access in August in an apparent offer to control violence at protests over the street safety, however, there’s proof recommending that it needed to stop the spread of media indicating pro-government activists and police assaulting nonconformists.

In 2015, it additionally cinched down on individual messaging applications trying to impede dissents. Many governments additionally take to clamping down on the internet and social media in order to protect information from getting out. This comes under media propaganda and is a violation of the people’s right to information which is secured under many constitutions.

This most recent move may help avoid violence and deception, however it could likewise prevent the opposition’s capacity to rally support. Prime Minister Sheik Hasina’s organization has been blamed for scaring and detaining commentators to help look after power, and this could be another augmentation of that strategy. Sheikh Hasina is poised to win the election this year as well but no official results have come forwards yet.

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Image via NDTV