Cancer Can Be Treated With The Power Of Your Mobile Phone- Research Revealed

Japanese Scientists made use of mobile phones and computer’s processing power to develop the cure for Neuroblastoma (Type of Brain Cancer).
Team in Japan needs mobile phone’s processing power to cure cancer. The new childhood cancer project initiated by these scientists users citizen’s phones and computers collectively in order to run drug simulations. These simulations could take thousands of years if they run it on a single computer, says the team expert.
Akira Nakagawara the team lead at the Saga-ken Medical Centre Koseikan developed a system, they call it World Community Grid, in 2004 alongside IBM.
“Computer processing that requires 55,000 years to be processed by a single ordinary computer was completed in just two years using the world community grid,” claimed Nakagawara of previous work, reports Asahi Shimbun.
After the discovery of potential treatments for neuroblastoma, Nakagawara and team are now using the World Community Grid to focus on curing other types of childhood cancer. Approximately 300,000 children every year are diagnosed with cancer, causing 80,000 deaths.
If you wish to take part in the project, all it takes is registering on this site and downloading an app. From there, your device, phone or personal computer, will donate some processing power to run these medical simulations.
image via: newsapi
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