China puts a full ban on Whatsapp
WhatsApp was a couple of universal online applications working in China and now the Chinese government has blocked it also.
This is a noteworthy misfortune for Facebook as it is as of now restricted in the country since 2009 and the CEO, Mark Zuckerberg was additionally attempting to re-enter the Chinese market. WhatsApp was the last real result of Facebook to be accessible in China as neither the social networking website nor Instagram is accessible in the nation.
China banning messaging applications comes under an international law violation of freedom of speech
China blocked distinctive features of WhatsApp including record sharing, photograph and video sharing and even voice messages. In any case, instant messages were all the while working as they work on an alternate convention. Be that as it may, today, China has additionally restricted the protocol utilized for sending instant messages and WhatsApp is totally out of administration now.
The purpose for the block could be security. WhatsApp has an end- to-end encryption for messages and the Chinese government can’t track the messages and get client information. Then again, WeChat imparts users’ personal information to the Chinese government. WeChat is the most well known informing application in China with more than 600 million dynamic user base. The ban on messaging applications in areas come as a security threat but also is an eerie reminder of Orwell’s 1984 novel, where the government has an eye on everything the citizens do. This curbing of freedom not only limits free thinking but does not pave way for constructive criticism on the policies.
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Image via Dailystar
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