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Cyber criminal arrested in Lahore

Federal Investigation Authority (FIA) Cyber Crime Circle has arrested a man in Lahore on Monday who was behind the fake Facebook page titled “Ubqari”.

During a press conference in Lahore, FIA Deputy Director Syed Shahid Hussain said the accused Abdul Hadi was arrested following the complaint by the administration of Ubqari Dawakhana.

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The accused was charged with looting women and later blackmailing them using social media fake account according to the FIA officials. FIA has filed a case against the accused and further investigation on the matter is underway.

Ubqari Dawakhana is a legitimate organization which sells several herbal products to the consumers, the company also distribute several magazines covering herbal remedies and products weekly and monthly.

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The accused was using the company’s name with a fake page and accounts to target people on the internet for his voracious desires. FIA intercepted after a complaint from the company’s administration and caught the criminal for further investigation.