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Elon Musk Considers Shifting to Mars

Elon Musk

Elon Musk—the famous billionaire has expressed his willingness to shift to Mars. Although he knows that he would die there.

As per a recent interview with Axios, Musk has inquired on the chances of him personally going to Mars to which Musk responded that there is a seventy per cent chance that he would be going to Mars regardless of the fact that he knows that there are strong chances of his death.

As per the reports of Independent Musk said that this is a possibility that might happen in as little as 7 years from now, having the ticket price as low as a couple of hundred thousand dollars. Musk said that they have recently made a number of advances that he is all excited about. He added that he wants to move there.

Also Read: Boeing And Elon Musk Competing for the Race to Mars

Musk said that travelling to Mars is an escape route definitely for the wealthy people. He added that the probability of dying on Mars is relatively higher than Earth.

He added going to Mars would not be something of a relaxation trip. People would have to continuously put in efforts and do work for making themselves comfortable there even if they land their safe and sound.

As per the reports of CNET, Musk admitted about the health risks on Mars and the hard conditions prevalent there.

Musk while making a comparison of the journey to Mars with a travel to Mount Everest said that they think coming back is possible but there is no assurance for that. He added that there are many climbers who walk up to the Mount Everest, some of them die there. People do it for the sake of challenge.

The forty-seven-year-old Musk has been planning since long to establish a human colony on Mars. He previously made an announcement of his plans for his firm SpaceX to start crewed flights to Mars by 2024.

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