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Home » Featured » Empowering Pakistani women: The 3-day handicraft display festival starts April 13th in Multan

Empowering Pakistani women: The 3-day handicraft display festival starts April 13th in Multan

Have you clocked the country is working towards empowering Pakistani women lately?

In the previous few years, women empowerment is one of the hot topics in Pakistan. And as of the start of 2017, empowering Pakistani women have even boosted its hype.

One such news rolled out when the Woman Chamber of Commerce and Industry Multan Division (WCCIMD) announced its 5th mega handicraft event; The Blue Fair 2017.

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This women-empowering event would inaugurate on April 13 and last for a total of 3 days. The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) would be standing as their next partner in organizing the event.

President WCCIMB, Nasim Rahim proudly notified that more than 90 stalls would be installed in this 3-day event. Local and aliens, both have shown their interests in participating in The Blue Fair 2017.

As the event is intrinsically aiming to display handicrafts, outputs like jewelry, garments, footwear, and other crafts would set on the display units.

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Where these hardworking women can be found all over the country, these deserving women needed a platform to display and market their efforts. Actions like The Blue Fair are of the high value to empower such women.

The president of WCCIMD also told that the number of participants outnumber that of the previous year. Last year, there were 70 stalls. The president is hoping more participants in the coming year. And have a faith that events like this would truly empower these strong women.

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