
Encrypted Facebook Messenger chats are now fully available, and the Lite app is being withdrawn

According to some recent pieces of information, Meta has announced two new modifications related to Messenger. Reportedly, the encrypted chat feature will be accessible to all users before the end of this year. Additionally, the company is abandoning the Messenger Lite app.

Encrypted chats will be rolled out to all Facebook Messenger users

Reportedly, the company has begun the rollout of encrypted chats. It will be accessible to all users before the end of 2023. Previously, the company rolled out the standard to a few users about a year ago. The transition, according to Meta, was “an extremely complicated and difficult engineering puzzle” and was not simple. However, the transition is good and nice since all messaging apps should be end-to-end encrypted.

The conversations that are end-to-end encrypted are fully safe. They cannot be overheard or intercepted by anyone. Well, even law enforcement is unable to locate them. Furthermore, the message history on Messenger will also be encrypted. After the rollout, Messenger will be equivalent to WhatsApp in terms of encrypted chats.

The Messenger Lite app is going away next month

In addition to this, the company claims that the Messenger Lite won’t be accessible from next month onward. The app was introduced in 2016 on Android. The app will no longer be available from September 18 onward. Do note that the user’s message history will remain intact. Users can access it from the  (regular) Messenger.

The app is no longer available in the Play Store. Perhaps the company wants to reduce the number of products given the fact that smartphones these days are capable of running the regular Messenger app. Besides this, the company is removing SMS support from Messenger by next month. The company declared it just recently.