Everyone can now access Telegram Stories
As a part of the celebration of Telegram’s 10th anniversary, the platform has rolled out the Stories feature to everyone. Last month, the platform debuted the Stories feature just for premium members. However, the feature is now available to all.
One of the most widely used messaging platforms worldwide is Telegram. It has a wide range of capabilities and numerous privacy restrictions, making it a popular option. While the app has been around for ten years, it has never offered Stories, those fleeting images and videos that are present on virtually every messaging and social networking platform (known as Status on WhatsApp).
Back in June, the company announced the feature; however, it debuted just last month. Previously, the feature was available only to Premium subscribers who paid $4.99 per month. Only premium members could post stories; however, the stories were visible to everyone. Now, the company is rolling out the feature to everyone.
How to post Stories on Telegram?
In order to post a Story, click on the “+” button presented at the top of the chat. Using this button, users can post images and videos as Stories on Telegram. Besides this, users can also add links, captions, and tags to their Stories. Furthermore, the platform provides several image and video editing tools to make stories attractive.
You can either select pre-captured media files or capture new images or videos to post as Stories. Videos can be recorded from both front and back cameras and posted on Telegram. Users can choose the time set for which Stories appear, i.e., 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Furthermore, users can add a Story permanently to their profile.
Telegram Premium users will have access to exclusive Stories features
Although the company is rolling out the feature to every user, some features are exclusive to Premium members. Some of the exclusive features include posting 100 stories per day, long captions, permanent view history, stealth mode, and priority on other users’ Stories.
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