Home » Technology » FaceApp Has Gone Viral But Watch The Serious Privacy Concerns This May Inflict

FaceApp Has Gone Viral But Watch The Serious Privacy Concerns This May Inflict

FaceApp has recently gone viral on social media, an app created to apply age filter to images and faces which makes them look older than their original age. The popularity of FaceApp has increased significantly when world-renowned celebrities started using it.

However, there are serious concerns for data and privacy which many of the users have overlooked. According to Uberfacts, the App now has access to more than 150 million people and faces, and the user agreement of the company allows it to get hands-on the ownership of perpetual, irrevocable and royalty-free license to do any with the data.

Now the tech companies and apps like FaceApp intelligently collect data with user consent and the majority of users do not know what they are doing, it’s all about data in this information age.