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Facebook is Generating Terror Content: Study

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Terrorist groups are active on Facebook, according to a new study. Thus the study claims that Facebook is unknowingly generating terrorist content.

National Whistleblowers Center conducted a five-month study in which pages of 3000 members were analyzed.  These members had connections with terrorist organizations. According to Agence France-Presse (AFP) it was revealed that ISIS and al-Qaeda are openly networking on Facebook.

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The study reveals that Facebook is automatically generating content like “Memories” videos, and “Local Business” pages. According to the research, one of the “Local Business” page for al-Qaeda had 7410 likes.

According to AFP, “Facebook’s efforts to stamp out terror content have been weak and ineffectual.”

Facebook informed AFP that it was removing terrorist content “at a far higher success rate than even two years go”. The company claimed that it is using better technology and investing in it like machine learning to clear out the terror-related content.

A petition has been filed by the whistleblower with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission asserting that Facebook is most likely breaking the law for misrepresentation of the shareholders and the public.

Since a gunman live streamed 17 minutes of the New Zealand mosque shooting on Facebook, the social media platform has been facing increased scrutiny and inspection.