
Facebook Has Launched “Watch” Offering Original Video Content To Users

Facebook has introduced a new Watch tab that will offer a variety of shows to the users out of which few are funded by the social media giant.

The Watch tab will be personalized for every individual, users can find new shows on basis of what people in their friend list are watching.

Also, users would be able to view comments and connect further with their friends for shows.

Mark Zuckerberg said in a Facebook post

“Watching a show doesn’t have to be passive.” “It can be a chance to share an experience and bring people together who care about the same things.”

The video tab has been available on Facebook for quite a time, but it displayed clips by amateurs or short videos by news agencies. Now original content can be seen via the video feature.

For users, this is exciting, for Facebook and other investors it would add up to their revenue.

Through this feature, Facebook is entering to a different media with a different target audience. It is now in direct competition with famous video-offering apps like YouTube and Netflix.

The step is not just taken by Facebook; only yesterday we heard the news that Disney would Netflix as well to start its own streaming services.

The content Facebook would offer includes Major League Baseball, Women’s basketball, parenting transmissions etc.

As per Reuters, Facebook has signed agreements with media tycoons for its video service including Vox Media, BuzzFeed, ATTN, Group Nine Media and other channels. Currently, Watch is released in the US before it is released worldwide.

Read more: Facebook has signed deal with media groups for original shows