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Facebook to Permit Users to Block Certain Words and Phrases from Their Wall

certain words and phrases

Facebook is reportedly working on a new feature that might allow the users to block certain words and phrases from their wall.

With the advancement in technology, the age of social media has brought in a lot of controversies. When all are just a second away from writing their hearts and minds out on the social media platforms, this could become a war zone many a time between people who share different opinions. The situation worsens if a person manages a page or a group and has got a different opinion, then people could become super aggressive towards them or at times could even spam the comment section via different ads and much more.

The feature Facebook is working upon might lead to a solution to this problem.

Facebook is presently testing the ability to ban certain words, phrases and even undesired emojis from their walls.

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As per a researcher—Jan Macnhun Wong who has got a detailed track record of reverse engineering applications, Facebook is working on the new filters which would permit users to block particular words or phrases from appearing on the user’s wall.

This feature would be bringing a lot of comfort for many users as they would not have to go via the trouble of editing every single post and comment. They feature would permit the users to explore throw the setup just one time and the filter would then be applied to all of their posts.

But this feature would not be barring the post from getting posted. Instead, posts that were filtered due to the reason that they contained particular words or phrases would still appear, but just to the person who posted it and to the mutual friends. So, the post would still be visible to a certain degree however the targeted person would not have to bear with trolls and bad remarks as they would never be able to see it.

The feature is still in the beta testing phase and the social media giant has not unveiled any plans about the launch of this feature.

Instagram has already launched this feature, where it automatically blocks insulting and offensive remarks from displaying.

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