For the production of AI chips, the CEO of OpenAI hopes to raise trillions of dollars

Major infrastructure projects can easily reach billions of dollars in cost. For instance, Samsung invested more than $20 billion in its new semiconductor production facility in Taylor, Texas. Naturally, a large sum of money would be needed if you wanted to construct many of these plants at once. That is the goal of OpenAI, the firm that created ChatGPT, led by CEO Sam Altman. He is aiming to gather money for large-scale manufacturing initiatives including AI chips, which many estimate might cost up to $7 trillion.

Access AI, Sam Altman wants to restructure the world’s supply chains for AI chips. According to the Wall Street Journal, Sam Altman is in negotiations with significant investors, including the government of the United Arab Emirates, to raise a substantial sum of money for the establishment of new factories that would produce AI and other cutting-edge chipsets. According to the report, he is pursuing a “wildly ambitious tech initiative” that may cost up to $7 trillion.

According to reports, Altman has spoken with TSMC executives, US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, senior UAE government officials, and SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son. According to Altman’s plan, the money would be used to open up to hundreds of new semiconductor foundries, which would thereafter be managed by well-known chip producers like Samsung and TSMC.

Altman recently visited Seoul to speak with the leadership of Samsung’s semiconductor group, and the two firms are rumored to be working closely together. The idea is considered critical to overcoming the hurdles that OpenAI has in expanding artificial intelligence, notably the lack of sophisticated CPUs that run AI models such as ChatGPT.

While there have been no public announcements on the outcome of these discussions, OpenAI did indicate in a statement that the business has had “productive discussions” about expanding global chip infrastructure and supply chains.