Fortnite Battle Royale introduces Playground mode in latest update

Fortnite: Battle Royale is the most popular game right now. It affords players no time before 99 other wannabe champions set their sights on each other. In fact, the quick paced action is one of the biggest barriers for new players. Epic Games previously said that it would introduce a new method for players to practice away from the main island. Playground Mode has arrived as part of today’s v4.5 update, giving players a vital way to polish their skills before taking them onto the battlefield.
Playground is importantly a private version of the main island that can host up to four players. When spawned, squads have up to an hour to “create, play and train” without pressure from a fast-approaching storm. The storm is not gone, but it will only begin closing in during the final five minutes of a match.
In order to make it semi-competitive, Epic has enabled friendly fire – it was present in the battle royale mode when it initially launched – and allowed for unlimited respawns (unless a player is killed by the storm).
The new practice mode is designed to give first-time players a safe beginning to the game, but will also provide professional players with a sandbox to test new tactics. Because the competitive element is still present, gamers will also be able to face their friends for the first time.
Playground is undoubtedly the most notable part of today’s update, but Epic has also made a number of tweaks to in-game weapons. First is the introduction of Dual Pistols, epic and legendary guns that individually shoot separate rounds with one trigger press. Tactical and Silenced SMGs have also been given slight boosts, with improvements made to both accuracy and damage values.
Other tweaks include new markers, which now display a colored beam of light on the island itself, rather than just inside the map. Explosives now damage all structures within their range, whether they’re visible or not.
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