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Freenet launches new mobile phone brand with €4.99 tariffs

Freenet is launching another discount brand under the name Happy SIM, which specializes in mobile phone tariffs below the 10 euro mark. The service is available on the Telefónica (O2) network with 50 Mbit/s, all-network flat rate, 5G reception and up to 25 GB of data volume. Happy SIM / Freenet

New face among the discounter brands

Freenet AG from Büdelsdorf in Schleswig-Holstein has many faces: Brands such as Klarmobil, MegaSIM, Dr. SIM, Crash and Funk are part of the company’s rapidly expanding mobile services portfolio, alongside Freenet itself. Happy SIM another brand under the umbrella of Klarmobil. But how do the new tariffs differ from those of the competition?

While Freenet recently concentrated on discount tariffs with high data volumes in the D network (Telekom and Vodafone), Happy SIM is trying to attract infrequent and normal surfers. In the network of Telefónica Deutschland (O2). At the launch of the brand, three tariffs with a choice of 5 GB, 15 GB and 25 GB data volume at prices starting from 4.99 euros per month.
Extract from the current Happy SIM tariffs 2024

Happy SIM’s promises and prices

Leaving aside possible weaknesses in the O2 network coverage, Freenet promises 5G tariffs from Happy SIM a bandwidth of up to 50 Mbit/s for download and up to 32 Mbit/s for upload. In addition, an all-network flat rate for calls and SMS is an integral part of all tariffs, which can be booked either with a term of 24 months or with monthly cancellation.

Current discount: In order to make the classic 2-year contract more attractive to new customers, Freenet is reducing the connection price for Happy SIM for a contract term of 24 months from 19.99 euros to 9.99 euros and is offering the first six months free A small downside: At the moment, the tariffs only seem to be available with classic SIM cards. We couldn’t find an eSIM option. However, free number portability is possible.

At the same time, Happy SIM takes over a very interesting plus point of the Mega SIM brand. Here, too, Freenet relies on a permanently reduced basic fee. This means that the price remains low even after two years, so that customers do not necessarily have to reorient themselves in the future – apart from possibly cheaper options. It remains to be seen whether Freenet AG’s tactic will work and whether Germany really needs another mobile phone discounter. In the end, as we all know, pricing will determine the success of the brand.

New Happy SIM tariffs
Allnet-Flat from 4,99 Euro To the offer