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Getting New PS5 Consoles Would Be Difficult Until 2022 Due To Chip Shortage

PlayStation 5

Sony still believes that the fact that the PlayStation 5 will remain in short supply will not change for many months. The demand for the game console will probably outstrip supply until at least the end of next year, according to the group. The company was first reported to produce a limited number of consoles at the initial launch a year ago which also affected the overall availability of the consoles.

Sony recently announced to analysts according to the US economic service Bloomberg, the company expects poor availability of the PlayStation 5 not only for the year 2021 but also for the entire year 2022. The observers, therefore, assume that Sony has hardly any options to increase the number of units in order to meet the high demand.

Sony recently announced that it could sell almost eight million PS5 devices by the end of March. By the end of the current fiscal year, Sony wants to sell almost 15 million units, it was said at the time. In its analyst briefing, Sony later indicated that it would be difficult to build enough game consoles.

Availability Of Other Components

Part of the cause is the poor availability of various components that are needed to build the PS5. Sony did not give a forecast by when the supply situation could normalize again. Even if the company succeeds in building significantly more devices, the supply will not meet demand, so Sony’s chief financial officer told the analysts during the briefing, which was not open to the public.

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Even after the end of the coronavirus pandemic or the associated compulsion in many places to spend more time at home, demand will remain high, the Sony manager added. Sony benefits from high market shares and its reputation as a provider of game consoles. His most recent business figures, however, already indicated that the effect of the “lockdowns” that apply worldwide is waning. The number of monthly active users of the PlayStation Network fell from 114 to “only” 109 million.