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Gigabyte Hackers Exposed AMD And Intel Docs With Source Codes

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The hardware manufacturer Gigabyte did not get involved in the blackmail attempts of the hacker group RansomEXX. The result is that the unknowns have published confidential internals of the group and its partners AMD and Intel.

This is reported by the online magazine BetaNews. According to this, the package of confidential data was stolen by a group of hackers called RansomEXX in a ransomware attack on Gigabyte. Gigabyte had already confirmed the hack a few days ago. The motherboard manufacturer Gigabyte is said to pay a previously unknown amount for the decryption of its systems. In addition, the hackers threatened that until the ransom demand was received, confidential company data would gradually be made public.

Data circulating in a hacker forum

CyberNews researchers have now discovered that this has already happened. In a hacker forum, they found a corresponding package of confidential data that apparently came from the gigabyte hack.

This is around 7GB of information. CyberNews does not give any details but does say that it appears to be a series of gigabyte-internal company information as well as protected data from the chip manufacturers Intel and AMD. This includes the source code for the Intel Manageability Commander and numerous confidential documents related to AMD. However, contrary to what was initially reported, the leaked data does not appear to contain any personal user information such as credit card details or account information.

In addition, the hacker group RansomEXX is said to have threatened again that further information would be published. “To be continued …” it says – if the ransom is not paid promptly. Gigabyte has not yet responded to this latest development.