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Google AI will help decide whether unemployed people receive money

In the US state of Nevada, an artificial intelligence (AI) solution co-developed by Google will soon help decide whether applications for unemployment benefits will be approved. Google and the authorities are working together to achieve this.

AI to analyze conversations

According to a report by the US magazine Gizmodo A new Google generative AI system will be introduced in Nevada over the next few months that will analyze transcripts of hearings of unemployed people who have submitted a claim for social security payments that was denied and then appealed.

The AI ​​system will use the analyzed recordings to make a recommendation to “human arbitrators” on whether or not an applicant should receive money. It is the first time in the United States that an AI system has been involved in such a decision, which also involves whether or not thousands of dollars in aid will be made available to Nevada citizens.

Decision after minutes, not hours

The system developed by Google is intended to help clear a backlog that has built up since the coronavirus pandemic. Thanks to AI, applications for support payments for unemployed citizens should be able to be decided within a few minutes – instead of the usual several hours. In order to receive the AI’s recommendation, the authorities’ employees must feed the system with the transcript of their interviews with the applicants and a few other documents.

After just five minutes, an analysis should have been carried out and a recommendation should be available. If the recommendation coincides with the assessment of a human employee who is entrusted with the respective case, the decision will be communicated to the affected form. If there is a discrepancy between the AI’s recommendation and the human employee’s decision, a further examination will be initiated, they say.

Under no circumstances should the AI ​​alone be able to decide on any payments without human involvement, the responsible authorities assert. Critics see great risks, also because personal data is processed here and there are fears that “hallucinations” could influence the AI’s recommendations. The AI ​​system is intended to help resolve the errors in payments made by the state of Nevada to certain citizens that arose due to the extreme difficulties on the labor market during the Corona years.

In some cases, applications were sent to the wrong places, payments were made to unauthorized persons, and various other errors occurred. In various cases, there has since been an accumulation of objections and disputes about the legality of claims and payments.

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