Google and Gmail Account Profile Pictures Combined

Most of you might not be aware of the fact that before now Gmail and Google’s account profile picture could be set independent of each other. But not from now onwards. Google is now combing the Google and Gmail account profile pictures.

Under General > My picture, Gmail setting users can no longer set their profile picture that just appears to the contacts they email. From now onwards the preference page will just provide preview and link to the “About me” page of Google.

“Currently, profile pictures set in Gmail are only displayed in Gmail. This means your profile picture in Gmail may be different than your Google account profile photo, which can make it difficult to know which picture will be displayed where. This change simplifies things by allowing you to set a single profile picture in one place and then displaying that single photo across all Google apps.”

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If the user’s profile picture of Gmail and Google accounts are different, they will be asked to “Use a single profile photo” from the About me page. The options will be either to use the current Google account profile photo, convert Gmail photo to Google account profile photo, or/and upload a new photo.

“This setting gives Admins who have disabled photo editability in their domain greater control, as users can no longer change their Gmail picture independently of their Google profile picture.”