Google brings forward a toolkit to promote internet safety among kids

Google and the National Parent Teacher Association are uniting to help instruct guardians and children about Internet safety. The search giant will give out across the board units that incorporate a Google Pixelbook and presentations covering an assortment of themes in regards to internet safety including phishing and scams, protection and security, cyberbullying and “inappropriate” content. They likewise incorporate some decorative reminders of best practices like banners and posters in both English and Spanish.
The units come as a major aspect of Google and the National PTA’s new program that will give $1,000 stipends to PTAs all the nation over in the United States. An aggregate of 200 awards will be offered out to set up online security workshops, and a kit will be given to every victor.
The organization among Google and the National PTA marks an extension of the organization’s Be Internet Awesome campaign, which it launched a year ago alongside a web-based game that shows kids the nuts and bolts of web security.
Google won’t make the internet safety pack accessible to purchasers, however. Rather it will work with schools and parent associations to circulate them and set up workshops at schools, as indicated by media outlets. The presentations incorporated into the packs will be made accessible online for anybody to see not long from now.
Internet safety is a primary concern among people in the present century. It is because of massive data breaches and identity thefts that have occurred along with occurrences of fake news, that has prompted social media and search giants to take action and unite to spread massive information. Many parent and teacher organizations have also joined the cause to fight cybersecurity threats and protect children from harm that may come their way.
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Image via Summer Camp
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