Google Has Removed “Instant” Feature

Google Search has just shut down its one among many unique features “instant” from its search engine. Interesting thing is that people would not even notice it.

Instant feature dates back to 2010 when it was introduced for the first time and gave immediate search results as one typed. Google would maintain the pattern of providing recommendations as one type in the search engine bar, however, it would not be loading any search results until any item from the list of suggestions is selected or pressed.

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Instant feature used to work like this (if somebody willing to have a refresher):

The changes were first noticed by the Search Engine Land. Google provided this statement on the matter that Instant was launched back in 2010 and the objective of launching it was to give users the information they need as quickly as possible, even when they type their searches on the desktop gadgets. But now, many of the searches are happening on mobile phones, with very much altered inputs and interactions and screen limitations. Keeping this shift in mind the company has taken the decision of removing Google Instant so that the company could rethink new ways to make the Search much faster and even more flowy for all the devices.

We all know and have witnessed the shift from searching on desktops to mobile phones, where Instant never made much sense.

Most people do their Googling on their phones, so the action taken by Google explains itself.

Honestly, if people would not read about this change done by Google they would not even be knowing that Instant has been removed. There are stronger chances that people would not even miss this feature much.

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