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Google Multisearch Features Finds You Best Images Along With Your Search


In the further development of its products, Google also thinks about its actual core business: the company’s search technology has now been expanded with an improved multi-search function, which was presented at the Google I/O developer conference. If you don’t know what to do with multi-search, this is a feature that combines the search engine with the company’s well-known, very strong AI for image recognition. For example, objects can be recognized in photos that the user uploads and the search engine provides more information about the desired object or creature.

Now Google has linked this technique to its local search. This makes it especially possible to find nearby stores that have a specific product on offer. Google demonstrated this at the opening event of its plumbing home conference. If desired, a nearby store is displayed here including the expected price.

Practical image analysis

However, image recognition can solve much more complicated tasks. Many users are probably familiar with the problem of stumbling across food photos in social media feeds that instantly whet the appetite. Here too, Google now wants to lend a hand: Multisearch recognizes the dish and compares its findings with advertising and customer photos, and the menus of the surrounding restaurants. This way you will be delivered directly to a restaurant where you can order the desired meal.

At least as useful for many users is the “Scene Exploration” function, which does not focus on individual objects but analyzes overview images. A nut allergy sufferer with a preference for dark chocolate no longer has to patiently search the candy aisle in the supermarket. Instead, a photo of the shelf is enough to allow Google to compare the visible variants with the product index in the cloud. The user is then marked in the area of ​​the shelf where they can find the desired selection.