
Google Photos will allow you to back up your RAW images

Pixel 8 Pro gives some focus to RAW images with Pixel 8. Before this update, you couldn’t backup your raw images to Google Drive. However, it’s going to alter now as Google Photos will automatically backup your RAW images.

Although Google photos don’t usually accommodate RAW images, it will automatically update your jpeg images. Pixel 8 can save your images in RAW format. Google is making amendments to support this format in its Photos app.

Google will automatically back up your RAW files

This feature is still new, as it was spotted back on Thursday. You’ll see a small banner at the top of the screen when the function is available that reads, “New RAW photos will appear in the Photos view and will now be backed up.” As a result, your RAW pictures will be backed up alongside your other pictures.

You have a few choices when viewing the photographs. First, you will have the opportunity to view the JPEG version of a RAW image. You’ll have a few choices on the JPEG. You can choose to export the JPEG version of the image or simply keep it. If you’re seeing the RAW image, you can choose to either make it the primary image or keep only that version.

But you must be careful, as RAW pictures take up a lot of storage. As if they’re getting uploaded to the cloud by default, they’ll use up all the storage. This update will upload new RAW images to your computer. As for previous files, you need to upload them yourself.