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Google Play Store sales increased by 27.3 percent in 2018

Google Play Store

Year 2018 was a great success for Google Play Store, the store has recorded 27 percent increase in revenues during 2018 showing much better improvement in revenues as compared to Apple Store.

A statistical data company in Mobile industry Sensor Tower reports this. However, Apple Store sill earns more money from the Google Play Store.

According to the data, Google Play Store made $24.8 billion during 2018, also it shows a tremendous growth of over 27.3% as compared to the previous period in 2017, Google Play store earned $19.5 billion in 2017.

Apple Store earned almost double than Google Play Store in 2018, Apple Store revenues were recorded at $46.6 billion in 2018,however, Apple Store revenue witnessed 20.4% growth as compared to 2017.

The important thing to look at while commenting on sales figures is the Chinese market, the Chinese market is the world’s largest market which creates a big difference. Google Play Store app is not available in China and the revenues Google earned from Play Store doesn’t reflect sales in China, whereas Apple Store is available in China and Apple made a considerable chunk of revenues from China.

If Google Play Store is available in China the company could generate much more revenues considering the Chinese population. The most revenue generating apps on Google Play Store and Apple Store includes Tinder, Netflix, Pandora, Google Drive (On Google Play Store) and Google One.The most revenue generating games include Linage M, Pokemon Go, Clash Royale, Candy Crush Saga and Clash of Clans.