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Google releases new update video previews on mobiles

Google’s android app and Google chrome for android is now getting equipped with video preview in search results.

The videos you come across on the search page results while searching for something that interests you now provide you with an extra layer of predictability, you can now have a preview of the video before actually playing it. It can save a lot of your time by giving an overview what’s inside the video. Google has confirmed this feature on their blog a few days ago on Friday.

The new search feature will apply to Google android app and Google chrome on Android devices only in order to enhance mobile user experience. Now if you search Google chrome on your phone you will not see the static images of videos listed in the search results, rather you would be able to get video snippets/previews that will help you decide whether you should click the video or not.

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The feature may not be available across the world, but it started rolling out quickly since last Friday, it might reach you by the next week if you do not see video previews currently on your phone.
It’s worth mentioning that the feature would be activated and you will see video previews when the WiFi connection is on, to keep the mobile data usage low.

But if you hate videos being played without your consent, you can simply turn off the feature from the settings menu of Google Chrome and Google App.