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Google Will Fix Clock App Bug Soon

Google clock app

It has already been said several times that Google’s watch app does not always do its job reliably on Android. A recent bug ensures that the alarm clocks set by the user do not go off. Google now wants to counteract this with an update so that no one overslept.

The clock and its alarm function are an essential part of every smartphone and should therefore also play a major role for Android users. After all, many users let themselves be woken up by their smartphone and do without a separate alarm clock or clock radio. This is exactly what has been failing for some users for a few days, as reported.

Google said patch is still in progress

The cause is supposed to be a mistake that Google claims to have found in the meantime and wants to fix. A representative of the internet company confirmed on Reddit at the weekend that the error actually exists and the causes have been found. In the near future, Google plans to provide a corresponding update that will eliminate the problem.

Meanwhile, it sounds like the error could apparently only occur if a third-party app such as Spotify was selected to start a certain type of audio playback when the alarm function was triggered. The Google employee suggested that those affected should, if possible, select an alarm tone from the list of sounds available on the device in order to solve the problem for the time being.

The fact that it takes several days for the alarm clock problem in the Android clock app is not surprising, given that the so-called “Labor Day Weekend” is currently taking place in the USA, a national holiday. In many places and probably also with the responsible Google team, the weekend started earlier, so we will have to be patient a little longer.