
How to Choose The Right Cannabis Strain For Your Home Grow

If you’re thinking of growing cannabis at home, you’re not alone. Quite a few people are already trying their hands at cultivating cannabis, and countless others are planning to. At present, 38 states have legalized cannabis for medical use and 24 now consider recreational use acceptable. Of those, many allow people to grow cannabis at home for their own personal use, so it’s not quite as risky as it once was.

To make the most of your home cannabis garden, you’ll need to choose the right strains to grow. You’ll find an ever-growing range of cannabis seeds available online, and no two are quite the same. Several factors come into play when choosing the best ones to cultivate at home. Keep the following points in mind to help you pick the right cannabis strains for your home grow. 

Flavors, Aromas, and Effects

While you’re browsing all the strains on the market, it’s important to think about their flavors, aromas, and effects. In general, sativa-dominant strains tend to provide energizing effects whereas indica-dominant varieties provide more relaxing effects. Indicas usually help with anxiety, stress, and pain relief while sativas are often recommended for depression and improving focus and concentration. Those are very general statements, though. Some cross the conventional boundaries, and hybrids can provide a variety of effects. 

When it comes to flavors and aromas, it’s important to choose strains you’re likely to enjoy. If you’ve already found a few strains that you like, you may want to start out with one of those. You can always branch out into new ones later on. Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to choose a single strain for your home cannabis garden. You can grow multiple varieties, but consider limiting your selection in the beginning until you gain more growing experience. 

Plant Size Versus Growing Space

Another factor to consider is the size of the plants versus the amount of space you have for growing. Sativa strains have a tendency to grow slim and tall whereas indicas are often short and bushy. If you’re growing outside, you may have plenty of space for either strain. Many people choose indicas for indoor grows where overhead space may be limited. Since they grow stockier, though, you may not be able to pack as many plants into your growing space. Remember that you’ll need to leave plenty of space between the plants to allow for airflow and room to grow. 

Difficulty Levels

Different cannabis strains have different needs as well. That means some are easier to grow than others. For the most part, regular strains are more demanding. They require more time and attention than other varieties. When they start to mature, you’ll need to separate the males from the females to prevent pollination. You’ll also need to monitor temperature, moisture, light, and other factors to ensure those plants get everything they need to thrive. 

On the other hand, feminized seeds are a bit simpler. They only grow into female plants, so you don’t have to determine which ones are male and which are female and separate them before pollination occurs. Autoflowering plants aren’t as dependent on the types and amounts of light they receive, so you don’t have to monitor them quite so closely. Autofem varieties are the easiest and least demanding, so they’re often recommended for new growers. They may produce lower yields, though. 

Choosing Your Perfect Strain for At-Home Growing Those are some of the factors you’ll need to keep in mind when choosing a cannabis strain to grow at home. Which effects you’re looking for, how much space you have, and how much time and effort you’re able to put into cultivation will help determine the best strains for you. With so many strains available, many of which are hybrids that offer the best features of all varieties, you’ll find plenty of options that meet your needs and expectations.