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How to fix Apple Keyboard glitch


Is it true that you are tired of the images “A[?],” “#[?]” and “![?]” destroying your messages, online networking posts or, surprisingly more terrible, that important DM whenever you write the letter “I”? We are as well.

Rather than the letter “I,” a capital “An” or a exclamation point and a square box with a question mark within it are showing up when utilizing Apple’s native keyboard. It’s not quite recently acquired phones that are influenced by this annoyance. iOS 11 users from iPhone 6 and up are likewise observing the glitch. So we did some investigation with an end goal to help settle the irritating issue.

As per Apple’s Support page, the issue will be “fixed in a future programming update” and that users ought to go to Settings >General >Keyboard >Text Replacement to include an autocorrect trade for the lowercase “I” with a capitalized one.

We attempted it and it works! Never again will your friends need to unravel what you are attempting to state by means of messages while we sit tight for a more permanent answer for the issue from Apple.

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Image via SiLive