How to hire a top HR manager for your organisation

Employees are considered as the biggest asset for an organisation. The kind of employees working in the organisation defines it. For a business organisation to grow, it is important to select and retain the right kind of employees. Business organisations grow when the employees are committed, the workplace is productive and operations run smoothly and for this, the organisation may have to go a few extra miles to find out and select the right candidate. There are various ways like advertisements, job portals, campus hiring and various others that one may use to recruit the candidate. But it is equally important to select the right person who further selects other candidates.
It is the HR manager who plays a key role in any recruit and selection of the candidates in any organisation. Efficient and abled HR managers can bring many growth opportunities for the organisation. They are responsible for the right talent acquisition and talent management. Here in this article, we will discuss the steps that the organisations can follow to hire top HR manager for their organisation. These are as follows:
- Identifying the need: The very first thing is to identify and determine the need for hiring the HR manager. The organisation must know what kind of candidate is required by them. Is it the senior-most manager or just the HR executive? This will help to determine if the person to be selected needs some experience or what kind of salary package is to be offered to him. In the case of the HR manager, they need to be skilled properly, have all the relevant knowledge and have the proper experience. Such a candidate would also demand a higher salary package. It is good to hire experienced people early even if they demand higher, as it will help the organisation in its growth and success. They are the one who will further recruit others in the organisation and design different policies of the organisation. So it is must to determine the need of the organisation at the right time and select the candidate accordingly.
- Job description and job role: The main task of the HR manager is to implement the various HR policies and procedures in the organisation, recruitment and selection of the new employees, induction and orientation of such selected employees, use of performance management tools in the organisation, training and development and other HR-related matters in the organisation. Therefore, before recruiting the candidate, the organisation should flesh out the whole and the detailed job description which tells what all are the duties and responsibilities that the HR manager needs to perform in the organisation. It will also determine the level of authority to be given to the manager. One can keep the following tips in mind while writing the job description for the post:
- Try using different templates available online.
- Set the required job duties on the template as per the need and requirement and do not add anything unnecessarily.
- Use methods that promote the company so that it can attract more candidates.
- Using the right channel to select the candidate: There are various ways in which the organisation can select and hire the candidates but what matters are the quality and not the quantity. The organisation should invest and go for those alternatives that help to find the top and the best talent. The various ways that the organisation can opt for advertisements, various online portals, recruitment agencies, campus hiring and others. They must identify the best option suitable in terms of cost and quality of the candidates. It has now become equally important to check the social accounts and background of the candidate as the referrals. One can look onto their social media accounts to have deeper insights about them.
- Selecting and evaluating the candidate: Once the source has been determined, the organisation should reach the candidate in the right way that is either through phone call or through mail or any other option. It is equally important to evaluate the candidate on a different basis. The candidate must also have the necessary skill required to perform the job most effectively and efficiently. One should not compromise on any background. The HR manager is one of the senior-most people in the organisation and the most experienced as well so they must possess all the desired characteristics. The organisation must conduct all the necessary interviews and pre-employment checks. The HR manager will further lead the organisation in the right direction and frame all the HR policies, so it is equally good to analyse their capabilities, talent and experience before hiring them.
- Induction and orientation: once the right kind of candidate has been selected for the organisation, it is must to introduce them to the new organisation. They must know about the company culture and policies. The organisations must try their best to make the new employee feel comfortable and make them familiar with the organisation.
These are some steps organisations can follow to find the right kind of HR manager for the organisation. There are certain other practices that all the organisations hiring the employees must follow. The organisations must adopt the policy of the right person at the right place. The candidate must fulfil the needs of the job. The organisation should look for talent among the candidates that can perform well in any circumstance. They should go for continuous innovation for recruitment and job posting to attract more candidates. During the interview round, the organisation should be true about the company and all the challenges and opportunities that it has. The transparency in the organisation helps to have a long-lasting relationship between the employees and the organisation. Thus, it is always good to look out the various sources of hiring the right talent pool. The sources may be through advertisements, job portals, campus hiring, referrals or any other means. The basic purpose is to have the top HR manager for the organisation possessing all the relevant traits, skills and experiences. The right talent manger will contribute many folds to the growth and success of the organisation.
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