Huawei takes the US government to court

As Huawei keeps on defending itself against allegations that binds to the Chinese government make it a security risk to different nations and cases that it has stolen innovation from others, it reported a lawsuit against the United States, recorded in a federal court in the Eastern District of Texas. At a question and answer session today in China, rotating chairman Guo Ping asserted that it was left with no decision after the activities of Congress, and said that moves to restrain its nations hurt both the US and China.
As indicated by Ping, “Huawei has not, and will never implant any backdoors…and will not allow anyone else to do so.”
It additionally blamed the US government for hacking its servers and taking emails, while smearing the organization with no proof and hindering its capacity to compete in 5G innovation around the globe. Huawei’s wrath is centered around Section 889 of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). That section targeted it by name to block federal agencies from working with the company, which it believes is illegal without a fair trial.
John Suffolk, Global Cyber Security & Privacy Officer said, “Now that’s not to say that we are perfect. It’s not to say that we always produce perfect code. It’s not to say that we always execute every process first time correctly. No organization in the world can say that. But what we can say is this: We will continue to make multi-billion dollar investments into our R&D and our security.”
Chief Legal Officer Dr. Song Liuping said that “Huawei is not owned, controlled or influenced by the Chinese government. Moreover, Huawei has an excellent security record and program.” Huawei maintains that it’s willing to work with the US government to resolve any security concerns, although that seems unlikely in the near future.
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Image via CNBC
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