
Huawei to Make Alternatives for Gmail, Maps, and YouTube

The trade war between the US and China did create a lot of issues for Huawei. The sales of the company were not much affected due to the lack of Google Mobile Services (GMS) however, it created for void for the company.

The GMS issue was addressed by the Company’s country chief. Earlier Huawei announced that the company will be investing $1 billion worldwide as part of its Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) developer integration program.

Huawei is hoping to replace the apps and APIs that are part of the GMS. Huawei’s country chief Charles Peng explained how Huawei plans to tackle the whole situation.

He said, “We have our own HMS [Huawei Mobile Services – ed] and are trying to build a mobile ecosystem. Most of the key apps such as navigation, payments, gaming and messaging will be ready by December end. We are focusing on how to work with developers to offer a good customer experience.

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It is a challenge that we are trying to address. In every country, we will focus on bringing top 100-150 apps to customers through HMS. We will create an end to end business model with developers, content and service providers. We will provide value to them.”

It seems quite clear that Huawei is working towards bringing the best services to its consumers. However, we are not aware of how Huawei is planning to replace Gmail and YouTube. It will be quite challenging for Huawei to develop a YouTube replacement and convince the users to use it.